Mission and Vision

BikeSD is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit, grassroots advocacy organization

MISSION: To establish San Diego as a world-class bicycling city and create more livable urban communities by promoting everyday riding, and advocating for safe bicycling infrastructure and complete networks.

VISION: BikeSD works to bring about a culture shift where the majority of San Diegans choose to ride their bike for daily trips, commuting, and for health. Our people-powered organization advocates for safe, accessible and inclusive active transportation networks as a critical solution to the climate crisis. Our community outreach and innovative programs seek to introduce people of all ages and abilities to the joys and benefits of going by bike, focusing on under-priveledged and under-resourced communities.

Core Values

  • BIKING IS FOR EVERYONE: We advocate for everyone’s equitable access to safe, affordable, and healthy transportation. We’re for every rider!

  • VISION ZERO: We advocate for the concept that: no loss of life on our streets is acceptable.

  • SUSTAINABILITY: We fight climate change by enabling and encouraging more people to bike more often in San Diego.

  • COMMUNITY POWERED: We create positive change through partnerships, community organizing, and collective action. We are people powered.


  1. Safe Infrastructure: Promote the establishment of complete, protected bike networks across San Diego to encourage everyday biking and meet climate action goals.

  2. Community Outreach and Coalition Building: Foster a supportive biking culture through community events, partnerships, and advocacy for equitable transportation policies.

  3. Innovative Biking Programs: Introduce and expand programs to increase access to bicycles and secure bike parking, focusing on under-represented communities.