2016 Election: Louis Rodolico on Issues that Matter to BikeSD Supporters in District 1

Our board sent questionaires to candidates running for city council and we will be posting their responses here. Louis Rodolico is running to replace termed out Councilmember Sherri Lightner who currently represents District 1.Our endorsements will be posted tomorrow, Friday.

Louis Rodolico. Photo via Rodolico’s website.

1) How do you envision the growth of cycling in San Diego – be it for transportation, recreation, or otherwise?

Bikes should be a big part of the mix,  I would work for more dedicated overhead bike lanes and have tried to get developers on board, as a councilman I would have more clout to make that happen.

2) What steps must be taken to ensure the success of San Diego’s “Vision Zero” goals?

In Amsterdam bikes share the pedestrian sidewalks. I am not comfortable riding a bike on the same road with cars and would like to see that change.

3) Given the myriad of competing interests in D1 neighborhoods, how will you handle individuals and groups, alike, whose interests and actions run counter to the City’s transportation and street design goals as laid out in the Climate Action Plan, and Vision Zero initiative?

For example building the Regents Road Bridge with bike lanes would be a good start. That would also allow us to put the bike lanes back that we took away to increase car trips on the Genesee corridor.

4) Multiple studies have shown that increased bicycle accessibility, is good for local businesses – and that this even holds true when on-street parking is reduced. How can the information gap between advocates and businesses be bridged to advance our common interests of safe, thriving neighborhoods? Further, at which point do you say to those who refuse to engage as responsible and reasonable partners in the community’s progress, that the cycle of arguments must end so we may act for the common good?

Further, at which point do you say to those who refuse to engage as responsible and reasonable partners in the community’s progress, that the cycle of arguments must end so we may act for the common good? As a councilman I will champion education thru media exposure.

5) What (if any) plans and decisions, with respect to increasing cycling accessibility, have been made in the past by government agencies and elected officials that you disagree with? Did you make public that disagreement? And do you see an opportunity, if elected, to reverse it?

See 8.

6) Will you support the implementation of the 2011 San  Diego Bicycle Master Plan Update, including    budgetary requirements for its completion and success?


7) If you have one, share a favorite cycling memory – and let us know how it shapes your desire to see safe streets in San Diego for all residents, across generations?

[No response provided]

8) Finally – If elected, will you commit to meeting with BikeSD representatives on a regular basis to continue the dialog around improving all D1 neighborhoods, and making San Diego the world’s greatest city for cycling?

I have recently gone to some SANDAG meetings and have observed that bike projects keep being put out further into the future. I intend to get involved in the Transportation committee and would make this a priority