Tour de Five Cities-A Benefit for the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition

Tour de Five Cities - A Benefit for SDCBC
Tour de Five Cities - A Benefit for SDCBC

Blind Lady Ale House is hosting a fundraiser for the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition.

The ride starts 9 AM from Adams Avenue Bikes to the Silver Strand loop and ends at Blind Lady Ale House – The distance is about 30+ miles.

This is a free event. 15% of the days food and drink sales at Blind Lady Ale House will go to the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition.

This is NOT a hard ride, it’s pretty easy. We’ll ride 20 miles around the strand, take the 12:30 ferry downtown and ride to blind lady ale house for lunch.

Benefit will last the whole day

Hope you make it.

More details are available at Blind Lady’s blog and at this meetup site.